ASEAN University Network

ASEAN University Network (AUN)

The ASEAN University Network (AUN) came into being in 1995 when the AUN Charter was signed by Ministers responsible for Higher Education from ASEAN countries, the Agreement on the Establishment of the AUN was signed by the presidents, rectors, and vice chancellors of participating universities, and the formation of the AUN Board of Trustees.

The AUN was formed to address the need for the region to quickly develop a regional identity and solidarity while promoting the fostering of ASEAN talents by creating a platform to allow the region’s leading higher education institutions to collaborate. From 1995 until now, the AUN remains firmly committed to the mission that was set out in the preamble to its charter.

Today, the AUN is a network widely recognised as a vital mechanism for the build-up of an active and renowned ASEAN community in higher education. Given such importance, the AUN was highly commended by the Meeting of Ministers for Education in ASEAN Countries for its achievements in upgrading the capacity of ASEAN human resources and enhancing the quality of education of the AUN member universities. With the strengths and expertise of our members, the AUN can play a major role in broadening the integration of the ten ASEAN countries, into one cohesive ASEAN Community and narrowing the development gap among them, which are ultimate goals of ASEAN.


AUN Core Member Universities

The 30 member universities of ASEAN University Network are selected leading universities from across the 10 ASEAN countries. These universities are at the forefronts of formulating policies, engaging in collaboration and implementing projects and activities under the banner of AUN.

AUN Associate Member Universities

The interuniversity cooperation driven by AUN is also extended to universities outside of the core members of the AUN and ASEAN+3 UNet sphere through the Network’s 17 AUN Thematic Networks. These universities are called associate member or affiliate universities.

ASEAN+3 UNet Core Member Universities

The ASEAN+3 University Network (ASEAN+3 UNet), established in November 2012, acts as a sister network to the ASEAN University Network. In addition to the 30 AUN member universities, ASEAN+3 UNet includes 21 “Plus Three” universities. The ASEAN+3 UNet exists to strengthen collaboration and solidarity between higher education institutions in ASEAN, China, Japan, and Korea.

Thematic Networks

Thematic Networks act as specialized areas of academic cooperation that are deemed significant enough for a new secretariat to be established to tackle it. Each thematic network is given relatively high autonomy to pursue their own areas of higher education in ASEAN, whether it is focused on innovation or economics. They also benefit from being part of the AUN, being able to access a platform of collaboration between the AUN Secretariat, member universities, and other thematic networks. 

The AUN is currently comprised of 19 Thematic Network, each established gradually following various Board of Trustee Meetings. More details on the Thematic Networks are available below (select to enlarge images).

Key Drivers and Enablers

“Key Drivers and Enablers” describes AUN workshop initiatives and initiatives with the aim of enhancing the quality and capabilities of the region’s academic institutions and professionals in different areas. Currently, the university network has launched several key driver initiatives to promote capacity building in the following areas:

  1. Internal Quality Assurance
  2. Qualifications Transformation
  3. Digital Transformation and IT Capabilities
  4. English Language Capabilities
  5. Quality Assessments at the Institutional Level

The AUN is currently comprised of 19 Thematic Network, each established gradually following various Board of Trustee Meetings. More details on the Thematic Networks are available below (select to enlarge images).

Global Engagement

As a conduit for cooperation, AUN has worked with many organisations from across the globe that wish to work with the very best ASEAN universities. Not only that, AUN also acts as a united front for these universities when looking to work with organisations in Europe, East Asia, Australia, and beyond.



WUN AGM 2025

WUN AGM 2025


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